April 2017 Letter From Publisher

Nicole Miale
With the spring thaw and advent of warmer weather comes lots more outdoor activity for many people; perfect time to celebrate EARTH on April 22. In recognition of Earth Day and thoughts turning to gardening plans, we focused this April edition on the outdoors and outdoor effects. We asked experts to offer advice about landscaping more naturally, both in terms of plants/look selected as well as the way those plants are cared for once installed. We also offer profiles from several local companies who can help you redo your yard or garden to be more natural and sustainable if you would like to do so.
The downside of warmer weather is the ticks coming out in droves and this season is predicted to be a particularly bad one. In this issue we shine an always-needed spotlight on Lyme disease, an epidemic in this area but still largely unacknowledged by conventional medicine. While much is in the mainstream media about Lyme, there is plenty which hasn’t been said (or repeated often enough) about what happens after antibiotic treatment for acute Lyme infection.
In Western CT we are fortunate to have many skilled practitioners with diverse backgrounds focusing on Lyme and helping people heal using a wide variety of tools. We asked a few local experts to weigh in, including perspectives on diagnosis (still challenging), options for natural treatment of Lyme and strategies for coping with the whole body effects of chronic Lyme. I learned quite a bit while putting this issue together; I suspect information may be new for others as well.
It is increasingly important for each of us to act as our own health advocate and proactively seek Lyme diagnosis and treatment if we have “unexplainable” symptoms that aren’t responding to treatment for something else. Don’t wait to find a tick or a tick bite. It is a sobering fact that most people who contract Lyme never know they were bitten and never find a tick or have a classic bull’s eye rash! You can learn much more about Lyme at the 11th Annual Lyme Connection Patient Conference & Health Fair, which will take place on May 18 in Danbury (see ad, page 30).
We have some big news… as of this month, you can now find Natural Awakenings Fairfield County/Housatonic Valley in all five of the Whole Foods stores located in Fairfield County: Greenwich, Darien, Westport, Fairfield and Danbury! Look for racks near the exit doors or in the café areas. Feel free to take a small stack from there for your office or a workshop you have planned; those racks will be kept well-stocked. This is new for us and allows us to reach thousands more people each month. We’re excited to be able to spread education, inspiration and empowerment to so many more people!
We’ll be at no fewer than five Earth Day events as well as many other inspiring and educational events this month. We hope to see lots of you there!
Thank you to all our advertisers, distributors and contributors who make this community resource possible each month. Please patronize them and let them know you found them in Natural Awakenings!