A Solstice to Remember Concert

Cyrstal Cymbalogy and Q Music will present A Solstice to Remember: The Coming Light and the Rebirth of Love in mid-December at several Fairfield and Litchfield county locations.
The Crystal Cymbalogy band is led by Cynthia and Rick Quintanal and features crystal and Tibetan bowls, percussion, bass, shakuhachi, flute, didgereedo, poetry and voice. On December 18 from 4:30-6:30pm, the first concert will be held at Athena Hall at Salt of the Earth Sanctuary, located at 346 Main Street in South Woodbury. Liphe Balance Center will hold the second on December 20 from 7-9pm at 36 Michaels Way in Weston. The last concert on December 21 from 7-9pm will take place at Open Sky Yoga Barn, at 95 Cross Highway, Redding.
Prepaid tickets are $30 or $35 at the door. The family rate is $55.
For more information, visit CrystalCymbalogy.com or the individual locations’ websites.