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Natural Awakenings Fairfield & Southern Litchfield Counties

Cosmic Rhythms - September Issue

Sep 02, 2016 02:08AM ● By Alethea Hunt

Virgo solar eclipse on September 1 carries an energetic theme of discernment. Although this can create a bit of a “bubble burst” where certain ideals encounter resistance, this type of reality check is a safeguard preventing scenarios that have limited expansion potential. Data coming through at this time should be looked at as revealing; a second look at information may even expose a truth that wasn’t seen earlier due to being the proverbial needle in a haystack. Speaking of data, Mercury is retrograde in Virgo most of this month; it’s good to be aware of how little statistical tidbits can potentially be spun, so carefully go over information being presented at this time to distinguish when something holds but a mere kernel of veracity. Look critically at all information presented, especially during this election season.

Some significant health-related energy swirls in the astrological air with the Virgo vibes permeating. Try to get enough exercise, take good care of yourself, go for a physical, and maintain a good nutritional practice to proactively prevent any potential problems from surfacing. Don’t fret, as it’s not too late to start making improvements in any of these areas with the ruler of this Moon flanked by favorable planets. On a more macro level, big health-related news may hit headlines around this time.

Jupiter enters Libra on September 9 for a year’s stay, emphasizing partnership matters and potentially proving a boon for unions. Expansion comes through relating, and any close friendship, relationship or business partnership does best to mutually elevate one another. Shifting perspective to one of appreciation may help this process; look for the beauty and love to be found all around us. Don’t be surprised if some romantic rumblings occur around this time. But be careful as a final delusion-busting square takes place between Saturn and Neptune just a day later while relationship planet Venus finds itself tangled with Pluto mid-September—and Uranus a week later. Sometimes, in order to grow, it’s necessary to know when something keeps you stuck in a union, and the truth always helps in this regard. Know that seismic shifts for the better are often experienced as destabilizing at first.

A lunar eclipse in Pisces occurring on September 16 signifies emotional healing, especially regarding any illusions possibly being held. This is a time to confront any truths that hit you square in the face rather than retreat into denial, escapism or substance abuse with Mars in Sagittarius’ involvement. Analytical Mercury touching this lunation also emphasizes separating fact from fiction.

Lastly, a Libra new moon on September 30 facilitates new beginnings in relationships; love may be growing due this moon’s proximity to Jupiter. But it’s also highly likely not to see a romantic situation or partner clearly; check all fantasies as it’s possible to “tune out” to a truth with Neptune’s involvement. It may be easier to gloss anything messy or ugly over, but a reality that can’t exactly be ignored may have to be confronted. Additionally, a vampire-like vibe to this Moon may entail scenarios that could involve partners “checking out” via fantasizing about a tempting morsel if or when an existing union seems to have soured. The best bet is to honestly and straightforwardly address any problems in a relationship rather than pretend they aren’t there to prevent this possible manifestation.

A practitioner of Western Tropical astrology, Alethea Hunt has been practicing for more than 17 years. Connect with her at 203-917-6312, [email protected] or