DAWS Shoebox Recycling Fundraiser Ongoing

Throughout the month of January, Danbury Animal Welfare Society (DAWS) is accepting donations of new and gently used shoes for the ShoeBox Recycling Fundraiser. Shoes of all sizes, shapes and colors will be accepted as long as they do not have holes or mildew and are re-wearable. Athletic shoes, cleats, Timberland-type work boots, dress shoes, casual shoes, sandals, heels, flats, and cowboy boots are all accepted.
Ski boots, heavy winter boots, Uggs, roller blades/skates, ice skates, flip-flops, crocs, bedroom slippers and single shoes will not be accepted.
Shoes should be dropped off at the shelter during open hours, which are Monday through Friday 6 to 8pm and Saturday and Sunday 2 to 4pm.
For more information, call 203-744-DAWS (3297) or email [email protected]. Location: 147 Grassy Plain St, Bethel.