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Natural Awakenings Fairfield & Southern Litchfield Counties

Upcoming Events at Albertson Memorial Church

Albertson Memorial Church of Spiritualism, located in Old Greenwich, will be hosting several events in December, including a Spiritual, Psychic & Healing Fair on December 6 from noon to 5pm. The fair will feature many types of readings, psychic intuitive, mediumship, tarot cards, pendulum, angel cards) as well as Reiki healing sessions for both people and animals (animals must be leashed or crated). Appointments are available but walk-ins are also welcome. The readings are $40 and up while the Reiki sessions begin at $20.

The church’s regular Sunday services occur weekly from 11am to 12:30pm and include music, inspirational talks by spiritualist or interfaith guest ministers, meditation, hands-on healing and spirit communications.

On December 7, the church will hold two events, beginning with Rev. Tom Kearns on service and spirit communications at 11am followed by an astrology workshop at 1pm. The church’s Mediumship Development Class will be held 7-9pm on December 10. Rev. Avery Manchester will run a candlelight service on December 14 at 5pm while Rev. Mary Yankee offers another Service and Spirit Communications lecture on December 28 at 11am.

The church’s mission is to offer a place and space where people of all religious and spiritual backgrounds may come together to worship God and to express and share in the divinity and sanctity of the human spirit. This is done through worship, song, prayer, healing, community service and fellowship, as well as an appreciation of the gifts of the Spirit in all people.

For more information, visit or email [email protected]. Location: 293 Sound Beach Ave, Old Greenwich.