Ridgefield Paws for the Cause

On Sunday, October 5 from 12-4:30pm, Blue Buffalo and Ridgefield Operation Animal Rescue (ROAR), along with other sponsors, have teamed up to create the Blue Buffalo/ROAR Paws for the Cause, to be held at Ballard Park in Ridgefield. Registered participants are invited to walk lucky dogs down Main Street in Ridgefield in support of less fortunate dogs and cats and the work being done by ROAR. After the walk, participants are invited to return to Ballard Park for an afternoon of scheduled activities for both canines and humans.
Registration begins at 12pm and is followed by a doggie talent show at 1pm. At 2pm, the talent show winners will be announced and the walk line-up will begin; The walk will start at 2:15pm. The food tent opens at 3pm, and other vendors and activities will be available in the park from 12 until 4:30pm. Last year’s Doggie Fun Zone will return and this year also includes a cat tent for the first time, showcasing some of ROAR’s cats available for adoption.
Online registration is $40 for the first person in a group. Additional people will cost $5 per person. First person fees include meal ticket, T-shirt and goody bag; additional person fee includes meal ticket. To register in person the day of the event costs $45 for the first person.
Location: Ballard Park, Main St, Ridgefield. To register, visit ROAR-Ridgefield.org. See ad, page 55.