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Natural Awakenings Fairfield & Southern Litchfield Counties

Transformational Healing of Place and Space: Spotlight on Krista Collins

As scientific understanding of the intertwined network of body/mind evolves, so too, does the definition of what it truly means to be healthy. Health no longer only means denotes “good” numbers on baseline medical tests. Instead, the notion of transformative or holistic healing is gaining evidence and strength and evidence.

Dr. Noell Radcliffe, of the University of Minnesota Health System, a leading researcher and lecturer on the topic, describes transformational healing this way: “Transformational healing occurs when you are willing to look at every aspect of your life and make changes that bring about a profound healing experience.  This is the journey to inner peace, and to optimum health. It is healing on all levels; physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual.”

Krista Collins is a nationally -based “environment alchemist” presently residing in Fairfield County, whose specialty is interpreting and transforming the environments in which people live. For Collins, shifting fragmented or stagnant environments is a powerful, yet often-overlooked step in the personal transformation process. Much has been said about the benefits of “clearing the clutter,” in personal space, but her work goes much deeper than this.

“Our environment reflects our state of “being” (thinking/feeling). So for clients who really want to evolve into greater well- being in all aspects of their life experience and transcend past conditioning, transforming their environment is absolutely critical,” says Collins. “Your home radiates your story. Is it a story of the past you, or is it inspiring the “you” that seeks to emerge? What is stimulated in others as they enter your dwelling, and therefore reflected toward you?”

Collins works with in commercial settings, but residential work spaces are her passion. She views it them as her opportunity to engage on a deeper level with the resonance of the environment and connect intimately with people in their passions, hopes, and dreams. She works with both indoor and outdoor spaces, collaborating with the client to set a clear intention using a variety of processes, depending upon the desired outcome.

The relationship between state of mind and the content of a home or office is a very subtle, yet powerful alignment. Obvious extremes are clear, like hoarding shows. “We can all easily recognize our reaction/feelings/thoughts when we look at the conditions depicted in those settings,” Collins says. “Just as easily, we can all relate to the feeling of relief and satisfaction when we have finally cleaned out that garage or closet that has long been a source of frustrated clutter, causing a draining feeling.”

Churches, cemeteries and, hospitals are all public environments where people can often notice and articulate about a “feeling” or the dominant energy of the place.

 Staging is another commonly accepted practice that depicts the relationship between an intended desire and the content of the environment.  Collins has been called a “miracle worker” by real estate agents with stagnant property that has suddenly sold beyond its suggested price after receiving her transformational process.

Krista Collins can be reached at 203-231-9971 or [email protected]. Visit her website at