April is For New Beginnings
Tracy Mignone and June Fagan of Kindred Spirits Center
Ah, Spring! Just the thought of it brings smiles to our faces as we begin to see increasing daylight, warming temperatures, and the rebirth of flora and fauna. “For many, this is the month where we begin to come out of hibernation and set our sights on spiritual growth and inner transformation, which often begins with a question or feeling - as we question our purpose and the meaning of life, or a feeling of longing stirs within,” say June Fagan and Tracy Mignone of Kindred Spirits Center in Redding. “It is in these moments that we open up to exploring a different way to live; to fill that longing within. Being aware of this is the very first step to happiness, peace and fulfillment in our lives.”
Fagan and Mignone are practitioners as well as teachers of many healing modalities, including Reiki, Rising Star, Prema Birthing, Mahatma Infusion Therapy, Light Language, Intuitive Readings, Buddhist Chanting, among others. They have had the privilege of training with and becoming certified by Master Spiritual Teachers and Healers Roland Comtois (USA), Brook Still (USA) and Derek O’Neill (IRE).
For more information about classes and workshops visit KindredSpiritsCenter.com or call 203.938.3690.