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Natural Awakenings Fairfield & Southern Litchfield Counties

Discovering Your Greatness

Everyone is born with a greatness inside them yearning to break free. At least this is what Melanie Barnum believes. Barnum, author of the upcoming, Manifesting Greatness Using Your Intuition: A 52 Week Guide (Llewellyn Worldwide, 2013 release), explains how we all have something we are born to be great at. The question is not whether it’s there; it is. Instead, we need to ask ourselves is, “What is my particular greatness? Do we measure our greatness by successes in life?  Or is there more to it?”

            “By combining our intuitive senses with our ability to manifest we are able to tap into this, perhaps previously unrecognized, part of our spirit that opens us to experiencing extreme happiness.  When we tune into our soul’s purpose we can’t help but live in joy,” Barnum tells us. “This, this greatness of our spirit is who we are born to be. Acknowledging our particular greatness helps validate what we do and who we can become.”

            Barnum has put together exercises from her book and is offering an upcoming workshop, “Discovering Your Greatness” to assist those interested in manifesting their own successes. She will also be utilizing exercises from her previously released book, The Book of Psychic Symbols: Interpreting Intuitive Messages (Llewellyn, June, 2012), designed to help open one’s intuition as a means to understanding and directing one’s manifestations.

Melanie Barnum conducts private & group sessions in Ridgefield, CT.  Check out for more information and to order The Book of Psychic Symbols: Interpreting Intuitive Messages.