New Awakening Woman Process Groups

Teresa Bulit-Gordon, CCEP
"There is a spirit within us calling us home. We are the ones we have been waiting for. " ~ June Jordan.
This fall, Teresa Bulit-Gordon, CCEP is offering several Women's Process groups, feeling that women have lost their vital connection to themselves and are being called to remember and awaken to the deep feminine energies within. The doorway to the Awakened Woman is not through the mind, but through the inner landscape of the body, feelings and emotions, she says. Through the use of Core Energetics—an integrative Body-Centered Therapy using movement, breath work, and other awareness techniques— and conducted within the powerfully nurturing container that the women’s group provides, participants will feel, dance, laugh, scream and cry in order to open to the deep yearning of their hearts. By diving into the deepest parts of themselves, women will experience a stronger connection to themselves and others; they will uncover and express their unique feminine gifts, claim their authentic voices and ultimately expand and transform into the fullness of who they are. This work is highly experiential and will be facilitated within a safe, nurturing, and supportive environment, with mutual risk-taking and intimate sharing. Teresa is a Certified Core Energetics Practitioner with a private practice in Greenwich and New York City. She is currently on the staff of the Institute of Core Energetics and The New York City Living Core Program. She is also an ordained interfaith minister.
For more information, contact Teresa Bulit-Gordon at 203.570.2876 or email [email protected]. Visit