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Natural Awakenings Fairfield & Southern Litchfield Counties

Award-winning Composer’s Love CD Available

Paul Avgerinos

Round Sky Music is proud to announce the release of Love, the tenth album by award-winning Redding resident Paul Avgerinos. Love’s contents is described as blissful lullabies celebrating our highest vibration, a temple of sound in honor of Love, a sacred space of deep blissful contentment, and the fertile soil of peaceful grace where we feel free to be our true nature: love. Paul's last CD, Garden of Delight, was among the Top Ten releases on New Age Radio for three months; CD of the Month on NPR’s popular program, “Echoes,” featured on NPR’s “Hearts of Space,” and winner of the New Age Reporter award for Best World Album. His previous albums, Gnosis and Maya, also won New Age Reporter Awards, and all three of Paul's last albums were among the Top Ten releases on the radio charts.

Paul Avgerinos is the owner of Studio Unicorn in Redding, where he composes and produces for a variety of local artists and styles. Love is available at iTunes, Amazon and through