UB Clinics at the University of Bridgeport

UB Clinics at the University of Bridgeport
In January, 2010 Dr. Jared Skowron created the Pediatric & Autism Clinic in the UB Clinics and has since helped thousands of children by curing colds, asthma, eczema, stomach complains, ADHD, and other health conditions. Dr. Skowron, a national expert in natural medicine for children, provides natural healthcare through nutrition, vitamins, homeopathy, and education about raising a healthy child.
The clinic also specializes in the DAN! (Defeat Autism Now) biomedical therapy for autism. While most DAN! doctors charge $1,000 for each visit, Dr. Skowron and his team are offering natural healthcare to all children for less than an average co-pay.
"Research shows long-term health problems start when children are young. By treating your child today, naturally, you are giving them a lifetime of health," Dr. Skowron says. The Pediatric & Autism Clinic thoroughly analyzes each child providing nutritional analysis and physical exams, while educating parents about the wonders of herbs, vitamins, and homeopathics.
UB Clinics
60 Lafayette Street
Bridgeport, CT 06604
Other Services offered at UB Clinics:
- Naturopathic Medicine
- Dental Hygiene
- Chiropractic
- Acupuncture