Lighten Up This Winter with Colon Hydrotherapy
Kelly McCoy
Lighten Up This Winter with Colon Hydrotherapy
With the coming of winter we tend to get lost in the dark. Shorter days, less light, and the same hectic schedule could make this season seem not so much fun, as we catch ourselves counting the cold days away until the sun of spring returns. Nature looks at winter with a different slant, however. We may think of winter as a time to hibernate, but for trees it is a time for greater growth. Roots, the internal web of vital exchange, work during this season to build a deeper foundation for the next year of new life. So it is, too, for people. Winter can be an opportunity to renew our health by starting deep inside, like the tree. “From my experience, the first step is with our colon, our root system,” says Kelly McCoy, certified colon hydrotherapist, founder and director of Greenwich Colon Hydrotherapy. “It’s in the winter, like no other time, that our bodies need to clean from the inside if we’re going to make room for our new growth. Once our filter system is cleaned out and working more efficiently, then it’s time for the next steps. Exercise and nutrition will then fall into place and put us in a better position to see healthy results. So with the coming of New Year Resolutions, keep in mind the bigger picture. Don’t get frustrated if nothing seems to change: go deeper, so you can enjoy the Season.”
Greenwich Colon Hydrotherapy is located at 296 Sound Beach Avenue in Old Greenwich. For more information visit